Nueva edición del Concurso Escolar ONCE

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The path to equality for all

Pre-University and Vocational Training - Category D

Students entering category D, that is pre-university and vocational training students, are invited to take part in the Grupo Social Once School Contest by suggesting their best idea to pave the way to INCLUSION. It's very simple!

What's more, just for taking part, everyone, including you, the teachers, will receive an original gift for taking part!

How do we take part?

Create an audiovisual piece with your class

The task consists of making a video (maximum one minute) to communicate your idea, as a class, to make your surroundings more accessible in one of the following areas:

You will find more information and inspiration to help you decide which of the four subject areas you would like to target with your proposal for inclusion in the teaching materials.

with your class, think up a title

Once you have it, you will need to think of a title and accompany it with the script to make the piece more accessible.


All that is left to do is upload it to your personal area of this website. And you're ready!

Let the most inclusive work win!

Teaching materials

To give your students a better understanding of this year's theme and the work we would like to see from them, we are providing you with some practicalteaching material, however it is not mandatory you use this to take part.

This material has been prepared by specialists from the Obra Social La Caixa de Inclusion Social Chair at the University of Murcia, in collaboration with Antonio Márquez Ordóñez, an inclusive pedagogy teacher and a specialist in Universal Design for Learning.

Get our teaching materials by clicking on the following link!

Access teaching material