Families are an essential factor when it comes to bringing up boys and girls.
That is why we have included this new category this year, so that you can take part, through the Parents' Association, in the Grupo Social ONCE School Contest for inclusion.
Families! The time has come to go from awareness to action!
Ready to help us?
It is very simple! As a Parents' Association, you are invited to take part by putting forward a project to encourage inclusion at the school, in one of the following territories:
It can be a totally new initiative or one you are already running!
What's more, there is a guide available to help you to put together and present your idea.
When everything is ready, all you need to do is upload it to the website, through a representative of your organisation, who will be responsible for registering.
Take advantage of all the materials we have put together for you!
They have been written by specialists from the Obra Social La Caixa de Inclusión Social Chair at the University of Murcia in collaboration with Antonio Márquez Ordóñez, an Inclusive Pedagogy teacher and a specialist in Universal Design for Learning.
The purpose is to enable you to get the most from your participation and to help you to present your proposal.Let's travel this road together!
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