Nueva edición del Concurso Escolar ONCE

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The path to equality for all


This year, we have prepared some very special gifts for the 38th Grupo Social ONCE School Contest.
When you register to take part, teachers and students will receive a gift for participating. There are also some fantastic prices for the winners of each category of participants.

Gift for taking part

Each and every participant gets an Oncelio pencil, which writes in four colours at the same time, to symbolise diversity, for you to fill your world with colour.

Province-Level Winners

Each winning student will receive a customised backpack with the message of the 38th edition and the Oncelio logo! So you can keep adding to your kilometres of enthusiasm with him!

Regional Winners and the five finalists from categories "D" and "E"

They will get an amazing escape room. Yet another fun challenge to overcome as a group!

National Winners

Students and teachers from the five winning classes in each category will win a tablet. A brilliant device to keep creating good ideas for inclusion and increasing their area impact!



The best project entered in the nationwide category will receive €3,000 (including VAT) to be able to carry it out.
Let the most inclusive school win!