Nueva edición del Concurso Escolar ONCE

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The path to equality for all



1. Purpose

The 38th ONCE SOCIAL GROUP COMPETITION, whose theme this year is "THE PATH THAT MAKES US EQUAL" is an Educational Action Programme whose aim is to carry out a pedagogically up-to-date, attractive proposal, based on the LOMLOE which, through the presentation of the new ONCE Social Group logo, allows us to work on the values of inclusion and equality that inspire us and that we want to convey to the whole of society, starting with the educational sphere.

2. Participants

The competition is aimed at Primary Education students (years 3, 4, 5 and 6), Compulsory Secondary Education, Pre-University, Vocational Training (basic, intermediate and higher) and Special Education, in all educational centres in Spain.

The competition is aimed at students in Primary Education (years 3, 4, 5 and 6), Compulsory Secondary Education, Pre-University, Vocational Training (basic, intermediate and higher) and Special Education, in all schools and colleges in Spain.

Participation will be channelled exclusively through schools and colleges recognised as such by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.

In addition, and for the first time this time we are inviting Parents' Associations to participate. All Parents' Associations registered as legal entities in the register of schools and colleges that teach Pre-school, Primary, Secondary, Baccalaureate and/or Vocational Training throughout the State are eligible to participate.

3. Participation categories

  • A: years 3 and 4 primary education
  • B: years 5 and 6 primary education
  • C: Compulsory Secondary Education - Basic Vocational Training
  • D: Pre-University and Intermediate and Higher Vocational Training
  • E: Special Education
  • F: Parents' Associations at schools and colleges

In the first 5 categories, participation will be by complete classrooms (one work-one classroom) led by a teacher. Each participating class may submit only one entry. If the same work is submitted by several classes, only the first work uploaded to the platform will be included in the competition. Work submitted by more than one class will not be accepted for the competition.

Each class must participate in the correct category, according to the year to which the students belong. As an exception, entries from pupils in several categories will be accepted, as in the case of rural grouped schools, travelling circus classes, special support classes, etc. In such cases, the class will participate in the category in which there are more pupils. In the event of a tie, the class will participate in the category with the largest number of students.

The maximum number of participants per work will be the maximum number of students per class as established by the applicable law for each level.

However, due to circumstances arising from the Coronavirus pandemic, the mode of participation may be modified in order to adapt to the measures to be adopted by the educational centres in the interests of health protection. Therefore, in the event that, for health reasons, the school is obliged to divide the class into groups, exceptionally, group participation may be permitted. In any case, for logistical and economic reasons, the maximum number of pupils participating with the groups/classes as a whole may not, under any circumstances, exceed a maximum of 25 pupils per class.

Regarding category F, all parents' associations at public, private and associated State schools and colleges may take part by submitting a single project, to make their schools and colleges more inclusive. If a school or college has more than one parents' association, each may submit its own proposal.

4. Characteristics of the works

  • Categories A, B, and E (Primary, and Special Education):

    POSTER claiming the guidelines to promote INCLUSION and equality within their environment in one of the 4 areas: leisure, education, employment, and universal accessibility.

    It must be submitted online through the teacher's Private Area in .jpg format no larger than 2MB. The poster must have a title with no more than 140 characters and, in order to facilitate accessibility, it must include an audio-description (specifically explaining the poster in detail: images, colours, structure, message...) with a maximum duration of 1 minute. Participants may record this audio-description through the Private Area in their upload area or attach an .mp3, .mp4, .wav, .aac or .3gp file.

    To make the poster, students can select cuttings from magazines and newspapers, use images from the Internet, take photos themselves or use a mixture of the above options. In addition, they may able to use all the techniques available to them, from traditional ones, such as illustration or collage, to image-processing software.

    If the work is not digital, it must be photographed or scanned and uploaded to the website as explained above.


    If the work is not digital, it must be photographed or scanned and uploaded to the website as indicated above.

    IMPORTANT: See section 10.- Legislation.

  • Categories C and D (Secondary, Vocational Training and Pre-University):


    AUDIOVISUAL PIECE (video) demanding INCLUSION in the surroundings, in one of the four areas: leisure, education, employment and universal accessibility.

    The maximum duration of the audiovisual piece will be 60 seconds. It must be sent online through the teacher's Private Area in .avi/.mp4/.mov format with a maximum weight of 100MB.

    The audiovisual piece will be accompanied by a copy of the video.

    The audiovisual piece will be accompanied by a title (no longer than 140 characters) and a script, to facilitate accessibility.

    IMPORTANT: See point 10.- Legislation.


The ONCE may request the submission of the original material of any work presented, with no obligation to return it, for better assessment (in any phase and category).

  • Category F (Parents’ Associations):

    PROJECT to promote inclusion in the school that includes all pupils, in one of four areas: leisure, education, employment and universal accessibility. To do so, they must produce a script to summarise the proposal to be implemented in the centre. ONCE reserves the right to request further information on the project presented.

    Proposals submitted must be approved and accepted by the management of the school or college where the project is to be implemented as proof of the viability. The projects submitted may have been implemented or developed totally or partially in the schools in the 2020/2021 or 2021/2022 academic years, or be carried out in the coming academic year 2022/2023, but they must always be original projects.

For all categories, entries may be submitted in Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, and English. To facilitate the work of the national jury, the works that reach the national phase that have been produced in Catalan, Basque, Galician, or English, will have to be translated into Spanish. If the participating group does not submit the translation, it will have to be translated by the corresponding ONCE Regional Office.

5. Appraisal Criteria


The jury will take the originality of the work into account.


The jury will also take into account the care taken and the presentation of the work and techniques used, and their possible adaptation to the purpose of the competition.


The appropriately of the work to transmit the values of the theme of this edition.


Considering accessibility as an essential factor for social inclusion and as an example of solidarity also in the educational field, the effort made to make the work presented accessible to people with disabilities will be specifically valued.


The jury will appreciate projects that transcend the limits of the classroom and seek to involve other people in their environment (classmates from other classrooms, neighbours, families, administration...).

6. Participation

To participate, school principals or teachers, and parents' association chairpersons must register on the following website:

  • contest website
  • freephone 900 808 111

The teacher who coordinates the participating groups is responsible for correctly filling in all the data requested (school and teacher) in the registration form, and for uploading the class work to the website.

The teacher who coordinates the participating groups is responsible for correctly filling in all the data requested (school and teacher) in the registration form, and for uploading the work to the website.

In the case of Parents’ Associations, the representative must register and upload the work.

The participation period starts on 13 September 2021 and ends on 4 February 2022. In the case of category F, the period ends on 31 March 2022. The competition organisers reserve the right to extend the participation period if deemed necessary. In any case, to encourage participation, and at its own discretion, each jury may accept entries for up to two days before the date of the decision.

7. Content judging phases and juries

  • Provincial phase

    All the works in categories A, B and C submitted by the schools in each province will take part in this phase, with the winners going on to the next phase.

    In the event that in any province there are more than 100 entries per category to be assessed by the jury, the provincial coordination may request a Technical Committee, made up of professionals in the field of teaching and specialised in inclusion, to carry out a preliminary assessment of all the entries.

    The provincial juries will meet before 31 March 2022.

    A provincial jury will be appointed in Territorial Offices, Area Offices, Support Offices and ONCE Offices in each of the provincial capitals.

    It is recommended that the provincial juries be composed of at least six members: three representatives of the ONCE (one from the representation area, one from the management area and one specialised professional from the Specific Educational Attention Teams of that territorial area, preferably a professional from Grupo ACCEDO) and, as far as possible, three other people who may belong to the fields of communication, education, public administration, the third sector or any other entity that may be of interest.

  • Regional phase

    In each Autonomous Community, one work will be selected in each category (A, B and C), from among the winners of the previous phase. These works will go on to compete in the national phase.

    A jury will be set up at regional level in each of the Territorial Delegations.

    The single-province Autonomous Communities and the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla will begin to compete in this phase. The coordination of these centres may also request a Technical Committee in the event that there are more than 100 entries per category to be assessed by the jury.

    The regional juries will meet before 29 April 2022.

    The Territorial Offices of the ONCE, according to their own needs, may decide whether to convene the jury for the provincial phase on the same date and with the same members as for the regional phase..

    The composition of the provincial juries will include, at this stage, a representative of the Ministry of Education of the corresponding Autonomous Region, at the highest possible level..

  • National phase

    A prize will be awarded in each category (A, B, C, D, E and F). Entries in categories D, E and F will only participate in the final phase of the competition and will be judged by a national jury.

    Works in category will be judged in advance by a Technical Committee made up of professionals in the field of teaching and specialists in inclusion. This committee will select a maximum of twenty works that will go on to compete in the national phase, whose jury will choose five finalists from this preliminary list, from which it will select the national winner.

    Works in category E (Special Education) will be evaluated by a technical team from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, which will select five finalists, from which it will choose the national winner.

    Works in category F will be judged in advance by a Technical Committee, which will select a maximum of ten works that will be evaluated by the state jury to choose the winning project.

    The national jury will meet before 20 May 2022.

    In addition to the representatives mentioned in the regional phase, the national jury will include an individual related to the world of special education, a representative of CONCAPA (National Catholic Confederation of Parents and Parents of Pupils) and/or CEAPA (Spanish Confederation of Associations of Parents of Pupils) and other relevant individuals with a connection to the theme of the competition.

In each of the juries, the member representing ONCE will act as president and will have the casting vote to settle, if necessary, a tie in the jury's vote..

In no case may juries award two or more entries the same ranking..

No prize may be declared void in any category, in any of the phases, provided that there are at least two entries that meet the requirements of this competition. In the event of disqualification of a work for not fulfilling the requirements, the jury must justify its disqualification and this must be reflected in the decision.

The decisions and interpretations of the Juries shall be final.

Once the winning entries have been selected, they will be published on the competition website within 4 working days of the jury's decision.

8. Prizes

Participating students and teachers will be sent a with a multicolour lead (red, blue, green and yellow).

The winning students and teaching staff at the provincial level will receive a backpack engraved with the competition's motifs.

The winning groups in the regional phase and the groups of works selected as finalists in categories D and E (five and five respectively) will be awarded an escape room experience to enjoy in the classroom.

The winning groups in the regional phase and the groups of works selected as finalists in categories D and E (five and five respectively) will be awarded an exhaust room experience to enjoy in the classroom.

The winning classrooms in the national phase will receive a tablet for each student and teacher, a prize valued at €225/unit, (VAT included) plus a diploma accrediting the prize.

The winning classrooms in the national phase will receive a tablet for each student and teacher, a prize valued at €225/unit, (VAT included) plus a diploma accrediting the prize.

In the case of category F, the project that receives the highest score from the jury will receive €3,000 to carry it out in their school. The prize will be paid into the AMPA's current account and a certificate of ownership of the account will be required beforehand.

9. Supporting materials

We are presenting a teaching proposal that, with its own methodology, invites students to analyse, reflect, debate and work in teams to carry out work based on INCLUSION of their surroundings, in one of these four areas: leisure, education, universal accessibility or employment.

At the beginning of the 2021/2022 school year, schools will receive by post a mailing consisting of an A2 poster with all the information about the competition plus four flyers, to be distributed among the coordinators of the different educational levels and the AMPAs.

The teachers and AMPAs will be informed about the competition.

Teachers and AMPAs will have available online a complete support guide and teaching material, prepared by experts in the field, as well as other resources to facilitate participation and understanding of the theme of this edition.

All the information will be available on the website from 13 September 2021. In addition, the material will be available on the website and can be downloaded and/or printed directly from October 2021. The material will be available in Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque and English, all of them in an accessible version.

10. Legislation


Participation in the ONCE Social Group Competition implies acceptance of the terms of the call for entries, as reflected in these legal terms and conditions and in the description of the competition, which can be found on the competition website:


Prizes will be subject to withholding or payment on account in accordance with the tax regulations in force at the time of payment.


Participating teachers must ensure that they have the image/voice rights release documents of the students who may appear in the works (also in the audio description), with the necessary length according to the terms of this call for entries, duly signed by the students or their legal representatives if they are minors.

On the competition website, participants will be provided with an image/voice rights transfer document that must be attached when uploading their work to the platform.


Once the work has been assessed by the corresponding jury (which will always be carried out on the original submitted), the ONCE reserves the right to process, adapt and correct the work submitted to the competition, in the broadest sense of the word.

Participation in this call for entries implies that the teachers and students participating in the winning entries in the regional phase (categories A, B and C) and finalists (categories D and E) grant ONCE exclusive rights for a period of 50 years, with no territorial, material or geographical limits, and with the possibility of transferring to third parties (all or part of the economic rights that are the object of the transfer), all rights of reproduction, publication on paper and electronic support, fixation, compilation, public communication, transformation, distribution by any means or format (including the Internet and social networks) and, in general, exploitation of the works produced.

A document of assignment of intellectual property rights will be made available to participants on the competition website and must be attached when uploading the work to the platform.


If any content (music, image, slogan, etc.) owned by third parties is used, participating teachers must ensure that they are free of rights or that they have the corresponding image/voice rights or intellectual property rights to the extent necessary under the terms of this call for proposals.

To submit papers via the website, confirmation of all rights documentation will be requested and must be provided by the person uploading the work. Subsequently, a review of this aspect will be carried out and any documentation that has not been provided will be requested.

In the event that a work is finally awarded a prize in which it is not sufficiently justified that it is free of third party rights, or the corresponding image/voice and intellectual property rights have not been provided, ONCE may modify it for publication, or decide not to publish it, without prejudice to receiving the prize awarded in its phase and category.

The ONCE Social Group will not be responsible for the image/voice rights of the participants or for any claim related to the image/voice rights or intellectual property of the participants or third parties.


The personal data that must be collected to take part in the competition will be processed in accordance with the rules established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) and in Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD). The data will only be collected with the consent of the owner so that said data can be incorporated into files owned by ONCE and processed exclusively for the purpose specified in the legend attached to the data collection form, which will be published on the competition website. The data obtained through the corresponding forms will be the minimum necessary to make participation in the competition possible.