Nueva edición del Concurso Escolar ONCE

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Oncity 2: 4 Décadas de Inclusión


Learn and pique your curiosity while you empathise with the world of disability and inclusion.

ONCITY II, four Decades of Inclusion is a great adventure. You'll encounter different challenges while learning about the development of inclusion over the last four decades.

Each game takes between 30-35 minutes. It all depends on what you know! But don't worry! You can save the game and pick it up later on.

In this special edition, you'll travel through time with Igu, a resident of ONCITY, to meet new characters who will present you with new challenges so you can learn about inclusion.

Ah! And there are plenty of surprises ahead to help you learn about important milestones in the contest's history!

Enjoy the experience!

Captura del videojuego en la que se visualizan varios personajes en una calle con un videoclub
Captura del videojuego en la que se visualizan distintos deportes paralímpicos