Nueva edición del Concurso Escolar ONCE

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Competition conditions


The 40 ONCE School Contest's slogan is "Four decades of inclusion. Join the story" is an educational programme designed to raise awareness of the need to create a more inclusive, accessible society among young people .

In this edition, as in the previous one, students will learn through an educational game. We will build on the success achieved in 2023 with the ONCITY video game to create a new version converted into a "time machine" where the students can travel through the four decades of the School Contest. The illustrations and characters will be designed in the style of each era (clothing, scenery, etc.): the eighties and the nineties, the first decade of the 21st century, the second decade of the 21st century, this decade, until the year 2024. In this stage, they will learn about important milestones and the progress that people with disabilities have achieved and which have marked the stories of many people in these 40 years.

2. Scope

The initiative is designed for Primary education students (years 3, 4, 5 and 6), Compulsory Secondary Education and Basic Vocational Training and Special Education, from all state schools.

All participation will be managed exclusively through schools recognised by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.

3. Work

All categories must participate online, and the work to be presented will be the same for all students in each classroom created as a team and with a single computer. The class will think up a new word that expresses the importance of the inclusion of people with disabilities in today's society. The students will add to the story by creating the INCLUSIONARY, the first dictionary of inclusion created by children.

The words, and their meanings, must be displayed in a creative poster. To design this piece, you will have a digital board where you can work on the School Contest website within the private area. You have the following options:

  • Write the word and its definition using the available fonts and colours.
  • Upload images, arrange and size them to decorate the poster and add a personal touch with photos and drawings. NOTE: you must have rights to any images used. Uploading photographs of students and minors is forbidden. Projects that breach these requirements will be disqualified.
  • Use the "stickers" of icons related to the graphics of the 40th edition.
  • Draw freehand with a "pencil/spray" type tool.

You can create a physical poster and upload a photo or scan to the website.

Students must upload an audio description of the poster and can to do so via the digital board.

When the teacher uploads the poster and the audio description, the platform will generate a QR code (containing the audio description) to include at the bottom right of the creative piece.

NOTE: see section 10 Legislation, Voice Rights.

Works must be submitted in Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician or English. To streamline the work of the state jury, works that reach the national stage presented in Catalan, Basque, Galician or English, will be translated into Spanish. If the participating group does not provide the translation, this will have to be carried done by the ONCE delegation.

NOTE: aware of its responsibility to society as a social lottery operator and member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) and the European Lottery Association (EL), ONCE has committed to the principles of Responsible Gaming. Based on those principles, no reference can be made to lotteries, nor allusion to any game of chance, either through images, phrases or any other element in Contest entries.

4. Categories for participation

  • A: 3rd and 4th year Primary Education
  • B: 5th and 6th year Primary Education
  • C: Compulsory Secondary Education and Basic Vocational Training
  • E: Special Education

The participation work will be done by the whole class (one entry per classroom) led by a teacher. Each participating classroom must present a single work. If several classrooms submit the same project, only the one uploaded to the platform first will be admitted to the Contest. Projects created by several classes will be disqualified from the Contest.

Each class will participate in its corresponding category according to the students’ school year. In exceptional circumstances, student projects will be accepted in several categories, for example, from grouped rural schools, itinerant circus classrooms, special support classrooms, etc. The classroom will participate in the category with more students in these cases. In the event of a tie, the classroom will participate in the higher category.

The maximum number of participants per job will be the maximum number of students per classroom as per the law in force for each level.

For category E, Special Education, only official schools that offer lessons specifically aimed at students with special educational needs may participate.

NOTE: Vocational Training classes aimed at attention to diversity will participate in category C, provided they comply with the rules and classrooms that, within an ordinary school, have students with special needs, will not participate in category E, but in that which corresponds to the majority of students in the group.

5. Evaluation criteria

CREATIVITY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE WORD AND ITS DEFINITION: Words whose definition expresses a current need for inclusion and people with disabilities.

POSTER CREATIVITY: The artistic creativity with which the word and its definition are portrayed.

ACCESSIBILITY: considering accessibility as an essential factor for social inclusion and as an example of solidarity in the educational field, the effort made to present the projects in a way that is accessible to people with disabilities will be specifically valued (Braille, sign language, etc.).

6. Participation

To participate, school principals or teachers must register at:

The teacher coordinating the participating groups will be responsible for correctly completing all the required information (about the school and teacher) in the registration form and uploading the finished class project to the website.< /p>

The Contest participation will begin on 30 October 2023 and will end on 7 February 2024. The School Contest organisers reserve the right to bring the start date for participation forward (announcing this in advance on its website) and to extend the period as it sees fit. In any case, to encourage participation and according to its criteria, each jury may accept works up to two days before the verdict date.

NOTE: teachers who would like a certificate of participation in this edition of the Contest must request this by 31 December 2024. After this date, the coordinator reserves the right not to issue the certificate.

7. Judging and Juries

  • Autonomous phase

    A winner will be selected in each Autonomous Region in the following categories: A, B and C. These projects will go on to compete in the State stage of the Contest.

    A regional jury will be appointed in each Regional Office of ONCE and the organisation’s headquarters in the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

    In cases where more than 100 projects are submitted in a category, the centre coordinators may request a Technical Board evaluate all the works and create a shortlist of 100 projects per category.

    The regional juries will meet before 15 March 2024.

    It is recommended that regional juries have at least six members: three representatives of the ONCE (one from the area represented, one from the management area and a professional expert from the Specific Educational Care Teams in that territory, preferably an employee of Grupo ACCEDO) and, as far as possible, three other people from the communication, design, education, public administration area, the third sector or any other entity of interest. It is desirable that a representative of the Council of Education of the corresponding Autonomous Community participates in the jury, from the highest possible level.

  • State phase

    One winning project will be selected for each category (A, B, C and E). Category E projects will only participate in the final phase of the Contest and be evaluated by a state-level jury made up of an official from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, who will select five finalists, from which the state winner will be chosen.

    The state jury will meet before 26 April 2024.

    In addition to the representatives in the regional phase, the state jury will include a person from the world of special education and other relevant personalities with a connection to the theme of the Contest.

8. Prizes

  • - Prize for teachers who register the most classes and present the most entries in the Contest. One prize will be awarded per category (four prizes). In the event of a tie, the percentage of students who have completed the video game per school year will be considered. The prize will consist of a weekend experience valued at €300 (tax included).
  • Students and teachers in the winning groups in the regional phase and the five projects selected as finalists of Category E will be awarded an activity for the whole class, valued at a maximum of 500 euros, VAT /IGIC (Canary Island Tax) included. These prizes cannot be exchanged for cash. The ONCE will disburse the maximum expected expenditure against the invoice issued to the agency “The Modern Kids and Family”, assigned by the ONCE to manage this Contest. The deadline for making use of the activity is 31 October 2024. Any prizes not redeemed by that date, after the winner has been duly warned by the Contest organisation, will be donated to the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (cash value).
  • A new prize category has been created for this edition: the popular vote. All the winners of the regional phase will be invited to select their favourite word. The winning students and teachers will receive a smartwatch.

From 1 April on the website, anyone who logs in will be able to exercise their right to vote for one project from among the 57 winners of the categories participating in the regional phase (A, B and C).

The project receiving the most votes will receive the special audience award. The popular vote will occur from 00.00 on 1 April until 13.00 on 15 April. To make the voting completely transparent, it will be a public procedure on the official website www.concursoescolaronce .es, where all the projects selected as regional winners will be published.

In light of the objectives of the School Contest, voters are urged to consider the evaluation criteria described for the jurors who will decide on the rest of the prizes.

All natural persons who wish to vote can do so. Each person can vote once. Therefore, the technical limitations of email and IP identification are implemented to ensure this as much as possible. All votes received will be added weekly to each project’s counter, although registration may take a few minutes to register depending on the quality of each user's connection. The sum of these votes will be called the "popular vote". Likewise, to facilitate the monitoring of voting by the participating schools and to guarantee transparency, the website will have a ranking page which will be updated weekly, which will show the number of votes received by each project.

9. Support materials

The teaching proposal is based on learning through an educational video game called "ONCITY II: 4 decades of inclusion". The goal is to raise awareness among participating students, encouraging them to empathise with people who have visual impairments, hearing impairments, physical disabilities and intellectual disabilities through an inclusive experience.

The video game consists of eight mini-games, quiz questions and surprise content in the form of materials and stories from the previous four decades of the School Contest, where you can learn about the most important progress made and facts that have occurred in that period in relation to inclusion.

Each tour will be a learning experience.

In addition, teachers are provided with teaching materials (in online format) to support and facilitate participation and understanding of the subject of this School Contest. Experts in the field have prepared this material.

All the information related to this edition of the Contest will be available on the website as of September 12 of 2023.

The video game and all the educational materials will be accessible from 30 October 2023. The teaching materials will be available in Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque and English, all with accessible versions and available to be downloaded and printed directly from the website.

10. Law


To participate in the Grupo Social ONCE School Contest, you must agree to the terms and conditions thereof. These are published in this Official Circular and summarised in the Contest rules excerpt on the website: www.concursoescolaronce. es.


The prizes are subject to tax withholding on account following the tax regulations in force at the time of payment.


Participating teachers must ensure that they have the student voice rights assignment documents for voices appearing in the audio description of the projects. These must be as broad as necessary according to the terms of this Contest and must be duly signed by the students or their legal representatives if the students are minors. A voice rights assignment document will be available to participants on the Contest website. You must attach this and upload it to the platform with the project.


When the project has been evaluated by the corresponding jury (always the original submitted), ONCE reserves the right to process, adapt and correct any projects entered into the Contest, in the broadest sense.

By participating in this Contest, the teaching staff and students that have participated in the winning projects in the regional phase (categories A, B and C) and finalists in category E, grant to ONCE, exclusively and for a period of 50 years, without territorial, material or geographical limits, and with the possibility of assignment to third parties (all or any of the patrimonial rights assigned), all rights of reproduction, publication on paper and electronic media, fixation, compilation, public communication, transformation, distribution on any medium or format (including the Internet and social networks) and, in general, exploitation of the works prepared.

An intellectual property rights assignment document will be available to participants on the Contest website. This must be completed and attached when uploading the work to the platform.


If any third-party content (image, slogans, music, etc.) is used, the participating teachers must ensure that they are free of rights or that they have the corresponding image/voice or intellectual property rights, which must be as broad as necessary under the terms of this Contest.

When submitting projects through the website, you will be asked to confirm that you possess all the requisite documentation relating to the abovementioned rights, which must be provided by the person uploading the work. This documentation will be checked at a later date, and you will be asked to submit any documents that you have omitted.

Any projects that do not have the relevant documentation will be disqualified. If, due to circumstances beyond the control of the ONCE Grupo Social, a project subject to third-party rights, or for which the pertinent assignments of image/voice rights and intellectual property rights have not been submitted is chosen as a winner, or they have been revoked, the ONCE Grupo Social may modify the work for publication, or opt not to publish it. Likewise, the project will be disqualified from participation in subsequent stages, notwithstanding the project receiving the prize awarded in its stage and category.

ONCE Grupo Social waives all liability for any image/voice rights of the participants and all claims related to the image/voice rights or intellectual property of the participants or third parties.


The personal data we need to gather from participants in the Contest will be processed in compliance with the rules established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and in the Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5 on Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD), data will only be gathered with the consent data subjects so that said data can be integrated into files owned by the ONCE Grupo Social and processed exclusively for the purposes specified in the legend attached to the data collection form that will be published on the Contest website. The data obtained through the corresponding forms will be the minimum essential to enable participation in the Contest:.