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ONCiTY: The video game that makes us equal



This website has been designed to share and allow public access to information on the different contents and activities offered by the ORGANIZACIÓN NACIONAL DE CIEGOS ESPAÑOLES (henceforth, ONCE), with tax ID number Q-2866004-A, with as the email address for this website, with contact telephone number +34 915890667 (Administrative Contact ES-NIC), with fax number +34 915899020, headquartered at Calle José Ortega y Gasset, number 18, postcode 28006 in Madrid, Spain; and whose Regulatory State Norms are defined in "Royal Decree 358/1991, dated 15 March 1991, which reorganises the Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles", amended by "Royals Decree 1200/1999, dated 9 July 1999, and 1359/2005 dated 18 November". (Information offered in compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, dated 11 July 2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce). It also makes possible access to other information, products and services from entities other than ONCE, as well as those which are accessible via the links and connections existing. ONCE reserves the right to change this policy at its own discretion.


All the contents provided on this website have been developed with information from both internal ONCE sources and from sources external to the company, and therefore ONCE accepts no responsibility for the potential lack of updates or inaccuracy of the information from these external sources and instead is only answerable for the contents coming directly from its internal sources, which are duly identified with their copyright. Therefore, before taking any decision or action, ONCE recommends that users check the information received with another source.

This website provides information on services meant for users' knowledge which under all circumstances shall be subjected to the terms and conditions expressly outlined at all times and accessible from this website, which shall in turn be subjected to the applicable legal provisions.

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Both access to and use of this website that may be made of the information and contents contained herein shall be the exclusive responsibility of the person doing it.

The access conditions to this website shall be subordinated to the laws currently in force and the principles of good faith and licit use by the user, and any action that could harm ONCE or third parties is prohibited in general.

The use of this website for illegal or unauthorised purposes is strictly forbidden.


ONCE accepts no responsibility under any circumstances for any kind of damage that users may cause to this website, or any other, through the illegal or improper use of it, or of the contents and information accessible or provided via this website.


ONCE reserves the right to suspend access to its website without prior notice, at its own discretion and timeframe, for technical or any other reasons, and it may unilaterally change both the conditions of access and all or part of the contents included on it.

Links to third-party website

The links in this area will allow you to leave the ONCE site. The linked sites are not watched by ONCE, and ONCE accepts no responsibility for the contents of any linked site or of any link that is found in any linked site, nor of any change or update to these sites. ONCE accepts no responsibility for webcasting or any other form of broadcasting conducted from any linked site. ONCE is merely providing these links for your convenience, and the inclusion of a link does not imply that ONCE approves of the site.


Spanish laws shall be applicable for any lawsuits or affairs that involve the ONCE website, and the judges and tribunals of Madrid (Spain) shall hold the authority to resolve any conflicts stemming or resulting from the use of this website.

Intellectual Property

By virtue of the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996 dated 12 April 1996, which approves the Reworked Text of the Law on Intellectual Property, all the rights to the documents stored on this website are owned by ONCE, and they may be used partly or wholly with teaching or research purposes as long as ONCE's source, authorship and ownership of these documents is explicitly cited.

Access to the ONCE website implies acceptance of all the conditions listed above.