The 39th ONCE Social Group School Contest, whose motto is "ONCITY. The videogame that makes us equal” is a learning proposal designed to raise awareness among children of the need to create a more inclusive, accessible society.
This time, students will learn by playing an educational video game, hosted on the Contest website, consisting of a tour of Oncity, a city where they will face different challenges that will teach them to empathise with people with different disabilities and the importance of building an accessible, inclusive environment.
The Contest is for Primary Education children (years 3, 4, 5 and 6), Compulsory Secondary Education and Basic Vocational Training and Special Education, in all schools in Spain.
Participation is permitted exclusively through schools recognised as such by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.
All categories will take part online and the task is the same for everyone. The students in each class will work as a team with a single computer to create a poster or banner, like an advertising billboard, with a design that draws attention to the importance of creating a more inclusive, accessible society.
Students will design their artwork using a digital whiteboard available in the private area of the School Contest website. They can choose from the following options:
Write a sentence or slogan using the fonts and colours of their choice.
Upload images, arrange and size them to decorate a mural and add personal touches with photos and drawings.
IMPORTANT: you must have image rights over any images you use. You must not upload photographs of students or other minor persons. Works that infringe these requirements will be disqualified.
Students must then upload an audio-description of their billboard. They can do this in the teacher's private area.
Entries may be submitted in Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician and English. For the convenience of the nationwide jury, works that reach the national phase produced in Catalan, Basque, Galician or English, must be translated into Spanish. If the participating group does not provide the translation, it will be translated by the corresponding Territorial Delegation of the ONCE.
IMPORTANT: Aware of its responsibility towards society and as a social lottery operator and member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) and the European Lottery Association (EL), ONCE is a signatory of the principles of Responsible Gambling. Based on these principles, no reference to lotteries or other games of chance, either through images, phrases or any other element, may be made in the Contest entries.
Entries are for complete classes (one work, one class) managed by a teacher. Each participating class will submit one piece of work. If one work is submitted by several classes, only the first one uploaded to the platform will be considered. Works created by several classes will not be considered.
Each class will participate in the corresponding category, according to the year to which the pupils belong. As an exception, entries will be accepted if the pupils belong to several categories, as in the case of rural group schools, travelling circus classrooms, special support classrooms, etc. In such cases, the class will participate in the category in which there are more pupils. In the event of a tie, the class will participate in the category with the highest largest of pupils.
The maximum number of participants per work shall be the maximum number of pupils per classroom as specified by the law in force for each level.
The jury will judge the originality of the work and its graphical representation.
The ability of the work to transmit the values of the Contest theme, which underlines the importance of a more inclusive society.
As we consider accessibility is an essential factor for social inclusiveness and as an example of solidarity in the field of education, the jury will appreciate efforts made to ensure that the work submitted is accessible to people with disabilities.
To take part, teachers and head teachers of schools must register at:
The teachers coordinating participating groups are responsible for filling in all the data requested (about the school and the teacher) in the registration form, and for uploading the classwork to the website.
The participation period will begin on 31 October 2022 and end on 3 February 2023. The Contest organisers reserve the right to bring the starting date for participation forward (subject to advance warning on the website), and to extend the deadline for participation, should they deem it necessary. In any case, to encourage participation, and at its own discretion, each jury may accept entries up to two days before the date of the decision.
NB: teachers who wish to apply for a certificate of participation in this edition of the Contest must do so before 31 December 2023. It is at the discretion of the Contest coordinator to issue them after this date.
Regional stage
Each Autonomous Region will select a winning work in each of the following categories: A, B and C. These works will go on to compete in the Nationwide Stage.
A regional jury will be set up in each ONCE Territorial Delegation and its headquarters in the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla.
In cases where more than 100 works per category are submitted, the centre coordinators may request a Technical Committee, which will evaluate all the works and reduce the list to 100 per category.
Regional juries will meet before 17 March 2023.
It is recommended that the regional juries be composed of at least six members: three representatives of ONCE (one from the area of representation, one from the management area and a specialised professional from the Specific Educational Service Teams of the territorial area, preferably a professional from the ACCEDO Group) and, as far as possible, three other people, who may belong to the fields of communication, design, education, public administration, the third sector or any other entity that may be of interest. It is desirable that a representative of the Ministry of Education of the corresponding Autonomous Community participates in the jury, at the highest possible level.
Nationwide stage
A prize will be awarded in each category (A, B, C and E). The works in category E will only participate in the final phase of the Contest and will be evaluated by a nationwide jury, made up of a technical team from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, which will select five finalists, from which it will choose the nationwide winner.
The national jury will meet before 21 April 2023.
In addition to the representatives mentioned in the regional phase, the national jury will be made up of one person related to the world of special education and other relevant personalities related to the theme of the Contest.
The person in charge of each ONCE Centre where a regional jury will meet will designate a person responsible for the Contest, whose identify must be notified to the Communication and Image Department as soon as possible. This person will be responsible for coordination, information and support tasks for the Contest.
The most senior member representing ONCE In each jury will act as chairman and have the casting vote in the event of a tie.>
Under no circumstances may juries award two or more entries the same rank.
No prize may be declared void in any category, in any of the phases, provided that there are at least two entries that meet the requirements of this Contest. In the event of disqualification of a work for not fulfilling the requirements, the jury must justify its disqualification and this must be reflected in the decision.
The decisions and interpretations of the Juries are final.
Once the winning entries have been selected, they will be published on the Contest website within seven business days of the jury's decision.
There is a new prize this time for the teachers who enter the most classes and upload the most entries. One prize will be awarded per category (a total of four). In the event of a tie, the percentage of students who have completed the Oncity tour will be considered. The prize will be a weekend experience worth €300 (including taxes).
Students and teachers in the winning groups in the regional phase and the five finalists selected in category E will win a smartwatch each (worth a maximum of €19 plus VAT).
Winning classes in the nationwide phase (A total of four) will enjoy the inclusiveness festival worth €8,000 (including VAT). It will be an event to celebrate inclusiveness at the end of the school year with the whole school, with different activities such as gaming space, music, etc.
All the schools winning in the nationwide stage will receive a diploma.
Prizes may not be exchanged for cash. The deadline for holding the Inclusiveness Festival is 31 October 2023. The cash value of prizes that have not been used or claimed by that date, having been duly notified by Contest organisers, will be donated to the Spanish Federation of the Food Bank.
As mentioned above, this time we have a different teaching proposal based on learning through an educational videogame. “Oncity, the videogame that makes us equal”whose purpose is to raise awareness among participating students, encouraging them to empathise with people who have visual, hearing, physical and intellectual disabilities through an inclusive experience.
The main element to learn about disability and inclusiveness, the “Oncity&rdquo videogame, consists of 12 minigames, quiz questions and surprise content such as recommendations for films, series, family activities, etc.
They will learn something different each time they play the game.
We also have materials for teachers (available online) about the different types of disability and about accessibility, which will help you with participation and understanding the theme of this Contest. These materials have been prepared by experts in the subject
For full information, see the website from 28 September 2022.
The video game and all the educational material will be available from 31 October 2022. The teaching material will be available in Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque and English, all of them in an accessible version that can be downloaded or printed directly from the website.
Contest RULES
-By participating in the ONCE Social Group Contest, you agree to the terms of the invitation to enter, as set out in this Circular and summarised in the extract of the Contest rules, which can be found on the Contest website.:
Prizes are withholding or payment on account in accordance with the tax regulations in force at the time of payment.
Participating teachers must ensure that they have the documents for the transfer of the voice rights of students used in the audio description of the works, complying with the length specifications of the Contest, duly signed by the students or their legal representatives if they are minors.
A voice rights release document will be made available to participants on the Contest website and must be attached when uploading the entry to the platform.
Once the work has been assessed by the jury (which will always be carried out on the original submitted), ONCE reserves the right to process, adapt and correct the works submitted to the Contest, in the broadest sense of the word.
Participation in this Contest implies that the teachers and students participating in the winning entries in the regional phase (categories A, B and C) and finalists in category E, assign all rights of reproduction, publication on paper and electronic support, fixation, compilation, public communication, transformation, distribution by any means or format (including the Internet and social networks) and, in general, exploitation of the works produced to ONCE, exclusively and for a period of 50 years, with no territorial, material or geographical limits, and with the possibility of transfer to third parties (all or part of the economic rights that are the object of the transfer).
An intellectual property rights assignment document will be made available to participants on the Contest website and must be attached when uploading the work to the platform.
If any content (image, slogan, music, etc.) owned by third parties is used, participating teachers must ensure that they are either royalty free or that they hold the relevant image/voice or intellectual property rights to the extent required under the terms of this Contest.
When uploading work to the website, you will be asked to confirm that all the documentation relating to rights is available, which must be provided by the person uploading the work. Subsequently, a review of this aspect will be carried out and any documentation that has not been provided will be requested.
Any works that do not have the pertinent permissions will be disqualified. If, due to circumstances beyond the control of the ONCE Social Group, a prize is finally awarded to a work for which it is not sufficiently justified that it is free of third party rights, or the corresponding image/voice and intellectual property rights have not been provided, or have been subsequently revoked, ONCE may modify it for publication, or choose not to publish it. Likewise, the work will not be eligible for participation in the subsequent phase, notwithstanding receiving the prize awarded in its phase and category.
The ONCE Social Group accepts no liability for the image/voice rights of the participants or for any claim related to the image/voice rights or intellectual property of the participants or third parties.
The personal data required to participate in the Contest will be processed in accordance with the rules established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) and in Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD). The data will only be collected with the consent of the owner so that they can be incorporated into files owned by ONCE and processed exclusively for the purpose specified in the data collection form, which will be published on the Contest website. The data obtained by means of the corresponding forms will be the minimum necessary to enable participation in the Contest.