The ONCE Social Group acts as a unique social and economic model in the world, with which it tries to incorporate many people with disabilities (and many without disabilities) into social reality, who have it more difficult.
As such, its priorities are set on the full inclusion and access to independent living of blind people and people with other disabilities, through the development of activities in three areas of action:
Reference for inclusion and autonomy of people with severe visual disabilities. It bases its work on the management of responsible, safe and social lottery products, accessibility under strict public control, and with the full reinvestment of all profits in social return.
Created in 1988 to extend the solidarity of the ONCE social model to the rest of the people with disabilities and thus promote their labor inclusion, acting on the levers of training and employment as a way forward.
Brand of the business initiatives of the ONCE Social Group, united under a economic-social umbrella diversified into six large areas (services; hotel and hospital; consulting; social health; marketing; and circular economy) with the ultimate goal of sustainability and employment of people with disabilities.
The ONCE Social Group is more than the sum of ONCE, Fundación ONCE and Ilunion: they are people who work as a team with a continuous commitment to society, to try to promote more just and inclusive societies.
Unwanted loneliness is a major problem, as shown by the Social Perception Report on Unwanted Loneliness, carried out by the State Observatory of Unwanted Loneliness in 2023.
Unwanted loneliness particularly affects young people.
Access all the reports:
We encourage you to participate in this 41st edition of the School Competition so that children and young people can reflect and look at situations in the school environment where there may be cases of unwanted loneliness among their peers and propose initiatives that can reverse the situation.
didactic material based on the rrecommendations and conclusions of the Unwanted Solitude Report, under the methodologies of Gamification y and Service-Learning: