Competition conditions


The 41st ONCE Contest, with the slogan "LEAGUE AGAINST UNWANTED SOLITUDE. BE PART OF OUR TEAM!" is an Educational Action Programme based on the LOMLOE, aimed at raising awareness among young people about the current issue of unwanted solitude among children and youth.

In this edition, students will be able to acquire the knowledge and tools to address unwanted solitude through:

  • Educational materials, which will be available on the Contest's website in Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque, and English, in an accessible text format from 29 October. Additionally, there will be advice and guides necessary for the work to be submitted.
  • Educational video game: ONCITY is now a streamlined version of previous years, under the slogan: “Igu vs Unwanted Solitude,” which continues to be a very important part of the contest, as it is the most useful tool for empathising with different disabilities, in this case relating them to unwanted Solitude in childhood and youth.

2. Scope

The initiative is aimed at primary school students (years 3, 4, 5, and 6), compulsory secondary education, basic vocational training, and special education at all schools and colleges across the country.

Participation will be channelled exclusively through schools and colleges recognised by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training as such.

3. Work

All categories will participate online, and the work to be submitted will be the same for everyone. Students in each class must work in teams to complete two tasks:


    All students will brainstorm the values of the team they are going to form and will convey these in an emblem that symbolises it. The team emblem can be created using any technique (painting, collage, etc.), but it must be made entirely with images created by the participants*.
    The file format of the EMBLEM must be an image in jpg format with a maximum size of 2 MB.
    Students will need to create an audio description** of the emblem, clearly describing what appears in the image to make the piece accessible for people with visual impairments.
    *You must add the image rights. Uploading photographs of students or minors is prohibited. Works that do not comply with these requirements will be disqualified.
    **NOTE: Please refer to section 10 on Legislation, Voice Rights.

  2. Each team will think of ONE ACTIVITY THAT UNITES THEM AND ADDRESSES THE PROBLEM OF UNWANTED SOLITUDE among children and young people.

    The activity must be designed to be carried out by both people with and without disabilities. To achieve this, they should consider how to adapt it so that anyone can participate (board games, comic creation, podcasts, environmental activities, running, reading and writing workshops, etc.).

    The details of the activity will be uploaded through the teacher's private area, which will include the mandatory fields to participate in the Contest such as: Title of the activity, where the activity will take place, and a description of the activity (in text with a limit of 2000 characters).

    When the teaching staff uploads the complete work to the platform (comprising the emblem, its audio description, and the activity), a QR code will be generated that will be included in the creative piece.

    Works may be submitted in Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, and English. To facilitate the work of the national jury, entries that reach the national phase and have been created in Catalan, Basque, Galician, or English must be translated into Spanish. If the participating group does not present the translation, it will be carried out by the corresponding ONCE Delegation.

    NOTE: aware of its responsibility towards society and as an operator of social lottery and member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) and the European Lottery Association (EL), ONCE has subscribed to the principles of Responsible Gaming. Based on these principles, entries to the Contest may not make any reference to lotteries or allude to any form of gambling, whether through images, phrases, or any other element.

4. Categories for participation

  • A: Primary years 3 and 4
  • B: Primary years 5 and 6
  • C: Compulsory Secondary Education and Basic Vocational Training
  • E: Special Education

Participation will take place by complete classes (one work per class) led by a teacher. Each participating class may submit only one work (comprising an emblem, its audio description, and an activity). If the same work is submitted by multiple classes, only the one uploaded to the platform first will be accepted into the Contest. Works submitted by several classes will not be accepted.

Each class will always participate within the corresponding category, according to the year group of the students. The exception is works corresponding to students from multiple categories will be accepted, such as those in grouped rural schools, travelling circus classrooms, special support classrooms, etc. In these cases, the class will participate in the category with the most students. In the event of a tie, the class will participate in the higher category.

The maximum number of participants per work will be the maximum number of students per class as stipulated by current law for each level.

Regarding category E, Special Education, only official schools and colleges that offer teaching specifically targeted at students with special educational needs may participate.

NOTE: Classes that are undertaking vocational training cycles aimed at addressing diversity will participate in category C, as long as they comply with the rules. Those classes within a regular school or college that have students with special educational needs (SEN) will not participate in category E, but in the category that corresponds to the majority of the students in the group.

5. Evaluation criteria


CREATIVITY: It will be viewed positively if the emblem is created solely with images and/or drawings made by the participating students and creatively symbolises their team values.


  • ACHIEVEMENT OF THE OBJECTIVE: to prevent and combat unwanted solitude among children and young people.
  • SUITABILITY OF THE ACTIVITY TO BE ADAPTED FOR PARTICIPATION BY PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: it should be designed so that anyone, with or without a disability, can participate.


Considering accessibility as an essential factor for social inclusion and as an example of solidarity in the educational field, the effort made to ensure that the submitted works are accessible to people with disabilities (Braille, sign language, etc.) will be specifically evaluated.

6. Participation

To participate, the management or teaching staff of the schools and colleges will need to register through:

The teacher coordinating the participating groups will be responsible for correctly completing all the requested information (about the school or college and the teacher) in the registration form, as well as for subsequently uploading their class’s work to the website.

The participation period will begin on 11 September 2024 and end on 14 February 2025. The contest organisers reserve the right to bring forward the start date of participation (with prior communication on its website), as well as to extend the deadline if deemed necessary. In any case, in order to encourage participation, each jury may accept works up to two days before the date of the decision at their discretion.

NOTE: Teachers who wish to request a participation certificate for this edition of the Contest must do so before 31 December 2025. The issuance of these will be at the discretion of the Contest coordination after that date.

7. Judging and Juries

  • Autonomous Community Phase

    In each Autonomous Community, one winning entry will be selected for each of the following categories: A, B, and C. These works will go forward to compete in the national phase.

    An independent jury will be established in each of the ONCE Delegations, as well as in the offices of the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

    In cases where more than 100 works are submitted per category, the coordination of these centres may request a Technical Committee, which will evaluate all the works and reduce the list to 100 per category.

    The autonomous juries will meet before 14 March 2025.

    It is recommended that the autonomous juries be composed of at least six members: three representatives from ONCE (one from the representation area, one from the management area, and one social worker from that territorial area), and, if possible, three other people from the fields of communication, design, education, public administration, the third sector, or any other relevant entity. It is desirable that a representative from the Education Department of the corresponding Autonomous Community participates in the jury at the highest possible level.

  • National Phase

    One work will be awarded in each category (A, B, C, and E). Entries in category E will only participate in the final phase of the Contest and will be evaluated by a national jury made up of a technical team from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, which will select five finalist works from which the national winner will be chosen.

    The national jury will meet before 9 May 2025.

    In addition to the representatives mentioned in the autonomous phase, the national jury will include a person associated with the world of special education and other relevant personalities related to the theme of the Contest.

The head of each ONCE Centre where the autonomous jury is formed will designate a person responsible for the Contest and must communicate their name to the Communications, Image, and Brand Department as soon as possible. The designated person will carry out the tasks of coordination, information, and support for the Contest.

In each jury, the highest-ranking representative of ONCE will act as chairperson and will have the casting vote to resolve any ties in the jury's voting.

Under no circumstances may the juries award the same position to two or more works in the ranking.

No prize may be left vacant in any category during any phase, provided that there are at least two works submitted that meet the requirements of this Contest. In the case of disqualification of a work for non-compliance with the requirements, the jury must justify this in the minutes of the decision.

The decisions and interpretations of the juries will be final.

Once the winning works have been selected, they will be published on the Contest’s website within seven working days following the jury's decision.

8. Prizes

  • Prize for Teachers: In this edition, participating teachers who upload their projects to the school contest will be entered into a draw for a tablet valued at €220 (including VAT). A total of four prizes will be drawn, one for each participation category (categories A, B, C, and E).

    (The rules for the draw of this prize are included as Annex I).

  • Prize for Popular Vote: A public vote will be held to choose the best activity proposed among the winners at the autonomous level, aimed at combating Unwanted Solitude among young people, which will take place in the school environment. The winning students and teachers of this prize will each receive a smartwatch for every team member.

    From 1 April, through the website, anyone who accesses the site will be able to cast their vote for a single work out of the 57 corresponding to the winners of the participating categories in the autonomous phase (A, B, and C).

    The work with the most votes will receive the special public prize. The public voting will take place from 00.00 hours on 1 April until 13.00 hours on 10 April. In order to conduct the voting in a fully transparent manner, it will be carried out publicly through the official website, where all works selected as regional winners will be published.

    Given the objectives of the School Contest, individuals are invited to consider the evaluation criteria described for the juries. (point 5. EVALUATION CRITERIA) when voting.

    All individuals wishing to vote will be able to do so. Each person may only cast one vote, and to ensure this, technical limitations based on email and IP identification will be imposed to the extent possible. Votes received will be added weekly to the counter for each work, although their registration may be delayed by a few minutes depending on each user's connection quality. The aggregate of these votes will be referred to as the “public vote.” Additionally, to facilitate tracking of the votes by participating centres and ensure transparency, the website will feature a ranking page that will be updated weekly, recording the number of votes received by each project.

    To ensure the security of the voting process, ONCE reserves the right to audit the votes and establish anti-fraud mechanisms to nullify duplicate votes, fraudulent votes (cast via bots, etc.), those made using obfuscation measures (e.g., VPNs, proxies, etc.), or, in general, those made in violation of these rules. ONCE reserves the right to deduct votes or eliminate any entry that undermines, alters, or disrupts the proper functioning and normal regulatory course of the competition, or any entry for which there is evidence or suspicion of irregular conduct as described. ONCE is exempt from any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from temporary unavailability or access failures of the website set up for voting on the nominations.

  • Prizes for the Autonomous Phase: Students and teachers from the winning groups in the autonomous phase and the five groups of works selected as finalists in category E will be awarded with the sending of a "League Against Unwanted Solitude" T-shirt for each class member (including the teacher). The T-shirt will include their emblem (with the necessary adaptations for printing on fabric). This prize is valued at €22 per unit, including VAT.

    These prizes are not redeemable for cash.

  • Prizes for the National Phase: The winning classes in the national phase (four in total) will participate in the emotional gym in their school, valued at €8,000 (including VAT).

    This will be an event, a school day, organised by the secretariat of the 41st ONCE School Contest, where gamified activities will be held to practice, as a team and alongside peers, the skills learned during participation in the competition.*

    (*) The event organisers may determine the maximum number of students who can participate in the event, based on budgetary considerations and/or suitability for the planned activities.

    Furthermore, the national winning centres will receive a certificate of achievement.

    The value of the prizes may never be exchanged for money. The deadline for holding the emotional gym will be until 31 October 2025. Prizes that have not been redeemed by that date, after the appropriate communications from the contest organisation, will be donated to the Spanish Food Bank Federation (transferring their monetary value).

9. Support materials

Teaching staff will have access to educational materials (in online format) that will support participation and understanding of the theme for this edition. This material has been reviewed by experts in the field.

The educational material will be used to address three phases in raising awareness of the problem:

11/ PREVENT: Gamified worksheets will be created to work on self-awareness and intrapersonal skills.

22/ DETECT: A role-playing activity to reflect on social situations and make empathetic decisions based on active listening and respect for others.

3/ INTERVENE: A design thinking activity (a human-centred methodology for solving problems and developing innovative solutions) aimed at helping students with their participation work.

In this edition, the video game transforms into a streamlined version of previous years but continues to be a very important part of the competition, as it is the most useful tool for empathising with different disabilities, in this case relating them to unwanted Solitude.

“IGU vs Unwanted Solitude”: The aim is to raise awareness among participating students, inviting them to empathise with people with visual impairments, hearing impairments, physical disabilities, and intellectual disabilities through an inclusive experience.

The video game consists of four mini-games, which will refer to the theme being addressed. Students will visit a map of the ONCITY school, where they can access four leisure areas (school playground, gym, outside the dining hall, and hallway/bulletin board). In these areas, they will encounter four situations where they must act against unwanted solitude among young people while also stepping into the shoes of a person with a disability. All information relating to this edition of the contest will be available on the website from 11 September 2024. The educational material, as well as the streamlined version of the video game, will be accessible from 29 October 2024. The educational material will be available in Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque, and English, all in accessible versions, and can be downloaded and/or printed directly from the website.

10. Law


Participation in the ONCE Social Group Contest implies acceptance of the terms of the contest, as reflected in this Circular Note and summarised in the extract of the contest rules available on the contest website:


Prizes will be subject to withholding or advance payment in accordance with the current tax regulations at the time of payment.


Participating teachers must ensure that they have the voice rights transfer documents for students who may appear in the audio description of the works, to the extent necessary according to the terms of this contest, duly signed by the students or their legal representatives if they are minors. A voice rights transfer document will be made available to participants on the Contest website, which must be attached when uploading the work to the platform.


Once the work has been evaluated by the corresponding jury (which will always be based on the original submitted), ONCE reserves the right to process, adapt, and correct the works submitted to the contest in the broadest sense that can be understood.

Participation in this contest implies that the teachers and students participating in the winning works in the regional phase (categories A, B, and C) and finalists in category E grant ONCE exclusive rights for a period of 50 years, with no territorial, material, or geographical limits, and with the possibility of transfer to third parties (all or part of the property rights being transferred), all rights of reproduction, publication in paper and electronic formats, fixation, compilation, public communication, transformation, distribution by any means or format (including the Internet and social media), and, in general, exploitation of the works produced.

A document granting rights to intellectual property will be made available to participants on the contest website, which must be attached when uploading the work to the platform.


If any content (images, slogans, music, etc.) owned by third parties is used, participating teachers must ensure that such content is free of rights or that they possess the corresponding image/voice rights or intellectual property rights as required by the terms of this call.

When submitting works through the website, confirmation of having all documentation related to rights will be requested, which must be provided by the person uploading the work. Subsequently, a review of this aspect will be conducted, and any missing documentation will be requested.

All works that do not have the necessary permissions will be disqualified. If, for any reason outside the control of the ONCE Grupo Social, a selected work lacks sufficient justification that it is free of third-party rights, or if the corresponding image/voice and intellectual property rights transfers have not been submitted or have been revoked subsequently, ONCE may modify it for publication or choose not to publish it. Furthermore, the work will not be eligible to participate in the next phase, without prejudice to receiving the prize awarded in its phase and category.

The ONCE Social Group accepts no liability for the image/voice rights of participants or for any claims related to the image/voice rights or intellectual property of participants or third parties.


The personal data necessary for participation in the Contest will be processed in accordance with the rules established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) and in Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD). Data collection will only be carried out with the consent of the data subject so that such data can be included in files owned by ONCE and processed exclusively for the purpose specified in the legend attached to the data collection form, which will be published on the Contest website. The data obtained through the corresponding forms will be the minimum necessary to enable participation in the Contest.



The Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles (National Organisation of the Blind in Spain - hereinafter, ONCE), with NIF G72872815 and located at Calle Prado, No. 24, 28014 Madrid, has decided to hold a draw among all participants (teachers) who upload works to the 41st ONCE School Contest for each of the participation categories (categories A, B, C, and E).


2.1. From 11 September to 14 February (both inclusive), all teachers who upload their works from their private area in the 41st ONCE School Contest will participate directly in this draw.

2.2. Participation is free and valid throughout the national territory.

2.3. Information related to this draw will remain on the website

2.4. Participants will have thirty (30) days to file any claims based on this draw, starting from the moment the draw concludes.


There are four categories of participation:

  • A: Years 3 and 4 Primary Education
  • B: Years 5 and 6 Primary Education
  • C: Years 1 to 4 of Secondary Education and Basic Vocational Training
  • E: Special Education


For each participation category in the School Contest (four categories), a LENOVO 3rd Generation TABLET will be drawn. 10.61” 2K Screen. Resolution 2000 x 1200 pixels. Dual speakers with Dolby Atmos. Internal storage of 128 GB. 4 GB of RAM. TÜV Low Blue Light certification. Qualcomm processor at 1.9GHz. 8-megapixel front camera. Microphone. With protective glass, valued at €220.

There will be a draw for a total of four units.


The draw will be held before a notary on 26 February 2025.

Four winners will be selected from the database resulting from the participation of teachers in each of the categories.

They will be chosen randomly through the Random platform among all participants in the draw. A substitute will be drawn for each category.

The organisation of the 41st ONCE School Contest will contact the four winners to obtain the necessary information to deliver the prize. If a winner cannot be contacted within 15 days from the notification of the winner, the substitute will be contacted.

The prize (a tablet) will be delivered by a courier to the address specified by the winner once contact has been made with the four winners.


In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation), participants are informed that the personal data of the winner and, where applicable, the substitutes will be processed by ONCE, the data controller, located at C/ Prado, No. 24, 28014 Madrid, for the sole purpose of managing the delivery of the prize and fulfilling the corresponding tax obligations. The legal grounds for processing the data is the carrying out of this draw and the explicit consent to such processing provided by the winner and, where applicable, by the substitutes. The winner and the substitutes may exercise, at any time and where appropriate, their rights of access to the data, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, opposition to processing, and data portability, as well as revoke their consent to the processing of their data, by submitting a written request to ONCE addressed to C/ Prado, No. 24, 28014 Madrid. The revocation of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the initial consent and the necessity of processing for the execution of the promotion. Data subjects have the right, if they consider it appropriate, to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos). ONCE has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted via email at and whose contact address is Calle Prado, No. 24, 28014 Madrid. When the contest organiser contacts the winner and, where applicable, the substitutes, in accordance with the provisions of these rules, they will be asked to expressly accept these rules and to provide their unequivocal, free, and specific consent for their personal data to be processed by ONCE for the purpose of managing the delivery of the prize they have been awarded. If the winner and, where applicable, the substitutes oppose the processing of their data by ONCE, they will not be able to receive the prize and will forfeit their right to do so. ONCE may authorise third parties, acting as data processors, to access and process the data for the management and development of this draw on behalf of ONCE, as well as for sending emails to the winners and substitutes, and for delivering the prize.


By accepting the prize and these rules, the 4 winners of the draw, and where applicable, the substitutes, expressly consent to the use, publication, and reproduction by ONCE of their name and initials of their surname in any type of advertising, promotion, or publication, including the Internet, or any other medium of any nature, for commercial or informational purposes, as long as they relate to the 41st ONCE School Contest, without reimbursement or compensation of any kind for the participant and without the need to pay any consideration.


Participation in this draw will occur automatically by merely participating in the 41st ONCE School Contest. Acceptance of the prize by the winner and, where applicable, the substitutes, will require their prior and complete acceptance of these rules and their express consent for the processing of their personal data.


The legal rules under which the draw is carried out will be deposited in a timely manner with the Notary of the Association Notaries of Madrid, Miguel Ruiz-Gallardón, whose business address is calle Núñez de Balboa, n.º 54, bajo. 28001 Madrid - Spain.


This draw is governed by Spanish law.

All disputes arising from the application of these Rules and in the event of disagreement between the participants and ONCE's interpretation of these rules will be resolved by the Courts of Madrid, without prejudice to any jurisdiction that may correspond to the user or consumer by law.