41st Edition ONCE School Contest

Imagen del cartel del 41 Concurso Escolar ONCE

According to the latest conducted by the SoledadES Observatory and promoted by the ONCE Foundation, unwanted solitude is a social problem that particularly affects young people, with a prevalence of 25.5%.

Thus, the 41st edition of the ONCE School Contest invites participating students to move from education to action through the first social league created by children and young people to combat unwanted solitude.

This league will operate from an emotional education perspective, forming school teams and offering activities designed by the students themselves to address the problem and achieve the league’s purpose

to be sure we always have a team we can count on!

To achieve this, students will:

1. Start with emotional training that facilitates self-knowledge, reflection, and analysis.

2. As part of this training, they will undertake their participation task: creating a emblem representing their team’s values alongside an activity or activities that provide opportunities to strengthen social connections through healthy leisure, always including individuals with disabilities.

In this way, students will take action and will be the ones to contribute solutions that can, in turn, inspire their classmates or other schools and colleges.

An educational action that addresses the problem of unwanted solitude, becoming a practical tool for teachers, useful for schools, and motivating for students.

Imagen de personaje del videojuego