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The path to equality for all

Grupo Social ONCE Contest

Cartel del 38 Concurso Escolar del Grupo Social ONCE

At Grupo Social ONCE we know there is only one way to pave the way to inclusion: TOGETHER.

La Education is an extremely powerful way to build a more just, better society. Through this contest we will feel hope and certainty that with you, teachers, students and families, we are creating a more inclusive future.

That is why the 38th Grupo Social ONCE School Contest is inviting everyone to work together for inclusion and to transform students into agents of change, encouraging them to act, both in and outside the classroom, to make the environment more inclusive. Because together we can make strides on THE PATH THAT MAKES US EQUAL.

This year our message is "THE PATH THAT MAKES US EQUAL", which we intend to move from awareness to action through an attractive, modern pedagogical proposal based on LOMLOE.

We will do all this through Oncelio, our iconic logo, which has been filled with colours to travel this road with us and add kilometres of enthusiasm.

Together, we can make our environment more inclusive. Will you help us?


What skills will students acquire with the competition?

  • Social and civic competence

    Being aware of the existence of different perspectives for analysing reality.
  • Cultural and artistic competence

    Appreciate the creativity implicit in the expression of ideas through different artistic media.
  • Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world

    Internalising the key elements of people's quality of life.
  • Competence of autonomy and personal initiative

    Asserting and defending rights. Putting oneself in the other person's place. To be flexible in one's approach. Having self-confidence. To have a spirit of self-improvement. Work cooperatively. Value other people's ideas.