Nueva edición del Concurso Escolar ONCE

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Conexión Adiccioff. Esto no es un juego

37th ONCE School Competition

  • Ganadores Nacionales
  • Webinars formativos e interactivos
  • No te pierdas el capítulo de "On Follogüers" sobre el uso responsable de la tecnología

Since the lockdown, the digital world, new technologies and the Internet have proven to be invaluable tools. In this contest, by creating an advertising campaign together, we want to convey the message that technology is our ally provided we use it responsibly, but that abuse that can lead to unwanted risks and consequences.

Don’t miss it!



  • "Learn about aspects that students were unfamiliar with, encourage teamwork and educate in values."

    Tomás Toral

  • “We have learned a lot and we have raised awareness about the issue of inclusion. It was very interesting working on the complete teaching units. It has had an impact on class dynamics by including all the boys and girls, since this is a class with a lot of diversity".

    Rosario Pérez

  • "Our first experience with a national competition. A lot of fun, and what's more we took the opportunity to include it as a task within our gamification project. It couldn't have been better!"

    Alba Romero