Nueva edición del Concurso Escolar ONCE

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Conexión Adiccioff. Esto no es un juego


En base al punto 2 de las bases legales publicadas para la convocatoria de la 37 edición del Concurso Escolar, donde se indica que : “ La organización del Concurso Escolar se reserva el derecho de ampliar el plazo de participación si lo considerara necesario. En cualquier caso, en aras de aumentar la participación, y según su propio criterio, cada jurado provincial podrá admitir el envío de trabajos hasta dos días antes de la fecha del fallo”; os informamos que, dada la situación sanitaria actual, se va a ampliar el plazo de participación hasta el día 26 de febrero. Confiamos en que esta medida sea de interés de todos los participantes de la 37 edición del concurso escolar.

These Legal Bases are based on the Circular NUM. 36/2020 of August 8th from the Deputy General Management of Organisation, Talent and Innovation and Sustainability. General registration number: 2020/0170840

1. ONCE School Competition Scope

The competition is intended for primary schoolchildren (courses 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th), compulsory secondary education, baccalaureate, vocational training (basic, intermediate and higher) and special education attending all state-run schools. Participation is reserved exclusively for schools and colleges authorised by the Ministry of Education and vocational training as such.

2. Participation and materials

As of 14 September, head teachers and teachers of state schools may participate in the school competition and will have access to materials, through the website ( You may also register to participate by telephone (900 808 111).

To do this, the information about the school and participating teacher must be provided either through the website or by telephone.

The teaching staff that coordinate the groups of participating students will be responsible for entering all the information requested in the registration form correctly, and for uploading the classwork.

The deadline for receiving works is 5 February 2021. The School Contest organisers reserve the right to extend this deadline as they see fit.

In any case, in the interests of increasing participation, and according to their own criteria, each provincial jury may accept entries until two days before judgement day.

All centres will be able to download the material online from 14 September 2020. The material will be available on the competition website in Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque and English, in pdf format and in accessible pdf.

For the Educational Programme, an informative letter and four informative diptychs will be sent to the schools, by mail, for its dissemination among the coordinators of the different educational levels. In addition, teachers will have online access to a comprehensive support guide and learning material in the version appropriate for their school group. They will also be able to access the advice and guides necessary to carry out the work of the contest and, in this edition, also a specific document to guide the design of an advertising campaign.

When creating the complementary materials, teaching values have been developed to show other realities different from those of the students. These materials can be used by participants to document themselves and teachers to guide the work. In this material, references to different studies and articles of different authors and specialised entities in the subject matter of the Contest have been included.

To streamline the work of the national jury, winners in the autonomous regional phases have been carried out in the co-official languages, the Basque Language, Catalan and Galician, will be translated into Castilian Spanish. If the participating group does not submit the translation, this will be done by the corresponding regional office of the ONCE.

3. Categories of participation

Participation will be for by full classrooms (a piece of work per class) overseen by a teacher. Each participating class must submit a single work. If the same work is presented by several classes, only the first of these uploaded to the website will be accepted. Works done by several classes will not be accepted.

Participation categories:

  • A (3rd and 4th years of primary education)

  • B (5th and 6th years of primary education)

  • C (secondary education and basic vocational training)

  • D (baccalaureate and middle and higher level vocational training)

  • E (special education)

The projects in the last two categories will only participate in the final phase of the contest and will be evaluated by a national jury.

Participation in the competition entails producing classroom work in the correct category for the school year of the pupils. As an exception, work done by students in different categories in rural schools which are grouped together and work done by travelling circus classes, special support classes, may be accepted.

In these cases, the class will participate in the category where there are most students.

In the event of a tie, the class will participate in the higher category.

The maximum number of participants per work is the maximum number of pupils in the class according to the law applicable to each level.

On the other hand, due to circumstances derived from the Coronavirus pandemic, the modality of participation may be modified to adapt to the measures that schools must adopt for the protection of health. Therefore, in the event that for health reasons the school is obliged to divide the classroom into groups, group/work participation will be exceptionally allowed. In any case, for logistical and economic reasons, the maximum number of students participating in all the groups/class may not exceed, in any case, the maximum of 38 students per class.

4. Content of the proposal

We are offering:

  1. A teaching-practical unit consisting of a supporting guide for teachers and learning materials that invites students to analyse, think about, discuss and work in terms to create an advertising campaign to raise awareness and encourage responsible use of technology, avoiding abuse that leads to unwanted risks and consequences as well as different types of addition.

  2. The piece of work you enter in the contest, whose slogan is “CONEXION-ADICCIOFF. Esto no es un juego” will consist of:

    • Primary and special education students (Categories A, B and E) must create a radio advertisement no longer and one minute capable of transmitting a message on proper use of technologies by minors.

      This will be sent online through the teacher's private area was a file in .MP3, MP4, WAV, ACC or 3GP format.

      The radio ad must have a title for ease of access to the work and must include a document in Word or pdf format with the text of the ad.

    • On the other hand, category C (secondary, basic FP) must design a poster (bus stop model). The advertisement must attract attention and convey a message that encourages the responsible use of technology, avoiding its abuse. It must be sent online through the Teacher's Private Zone in jpg format and vertical orientation with a maximum weight of 2 Mb. The poster will be accompanied by a slogan and to facilitate accessibility to the work will incorporate an audio description with a maximum duration of 1 minute. Participants can record this audio description through the Private Area in their upload area or attach a file in .MP3, .MP4, .WAV, .AAC or .3GP format.

      To create the advertising poster, students may select cuttings from magazines and newspapers, use images from the Internet, take pictures themselves or make a mixture of the previous options. If content or images owned by third parties are used, participating teachers must ensure that they are free of rights or that they have the corresponding intellectual property rights to the extent necessary under the terms of this call. ONCE reserves the right to request documentation from participating faculty to prove these circumstances.

      In addition, students will be able to use all the techniques to which they have access, from the most traditional, such as illustration or collage (with the use of glue and scissors), to any computer programme that allows them to process images (Photoshop, online editors, etc.).

      If the class group does a traditional illustration or collage, the teacher must scan or photograph the work in order to upload it to the competition website, as indicated above.

    • In category D (FP superior and baccalaureate) students will make an advertisement, which must be no more than 40" long, to raise awareness about the responsible use of technology and the risks involved in its abuse. It must be sent online through the teacher's private area in .AVI, .MP4 or .MOV format (formats supported by YouTube) with a maximum weight of 100 Mb. The advert will be accompanied by a title, and a document with the script in Word or pdf format, to facilitate the accessibility of the participating work to people with disabilities.

      Any music used in the advert must be royalty free to avoid conflict or rejection from the YouTube platform. Likewise, if content or images owned by third parties are used, participating teachers must ensure that they are free of rights or have the corresponding intellectual property rights to the extent necessary under the terms of this call.

Participating teachers must also ensure that they have documents assigning image/voice rights of students appearing in the advertisement, poster, radio advertisement or audio description, as required by the terms of this contest, duly signed by the students or their legal representatives if they are under the age of 18.

There is a form for assigning image/voice rights available on thee contest web page available to all participants. The teachers who submit the winning work in the regional phase (categories A, B and C) and finalists (categories D and E) must send this document to ONCE, duly signed by the students whose image/voice appears in the work or their legal representatives (if they are minors). ONCE will contact you to request this document. ONCE will not be responsible for any claims related to image and voice rights of the participants in the works.

All categories will participate online.

5. Valuation Criteria


The jury will consider the originality of the work: the concept and its graphic expression.


Likewise, the care invested and presentation of the works and techniques used, and their possible adaptation to the purpose of the competition will be considered.


The suitability of the work to convey the values of the theme of this edition.


Accessibility is considered an essential factor for social inclusion and as an example of solidarity in the educational field, efforts made to make the works presented accessible to people with disabilities will be specifically appreciated.

6. Phases in the Competition

The competition consists of three phases:

  • Provincial phase: all works in categories A, B and C submitted by schools in each province. The winners will go into the next phase. If there are more than 100 works per category to be evaluated by the jury in any province, a Technical Committee will be formed, made up of professionals in the field of teaching and specialised in inclusion, to carry out a prior evaluation of all the works.
  • Autonomous regional phase:one work will be selected from the winners of the previous phase for each category (A, B and C) in each Autonomous Region. These works will go on to compete in the national phase. The uniprovincial autonomous regions and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla will start competing in this phase.
  • National phase:one work per category will receive a prize (A, B, C, D and E).

Category D works will be prejudged by a Technical Panel made up of teaching professionals and inclusion specialists. The panel will select a maximum of 20 works to go into the nationwide phase, whose jury will pick five finalists from the list, among which the nationwide winner will be chosen.

Works in category E (Special Education) will be evaluated by a technical team from the National Centre of Innovation and Educational Investigation (CNIIE), ministerial unit depending on the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, who will select five finalists, from among which they will select the national winner.

7. Procedures / Dates of Juries

Provincial juries will be formed in ONCE Territorial Offices, Area Offices, Support Offices and agencies based in provincial capitals, as well as an autonomous regional jury in Territorial Offices.

The person in charge of each ONCE centre where the jury is formed will designate a person in charge of the contest, and must notify the person's name as soon as possible to the Communications and Image Department. This person will carry out the coordination, information and support tasks for the contest.

The juries will have at least six members: three representatives of ONCE (one from the area of representation, one from the management and a specialised professional area from the Specific Educational Service Teams of that territorial area (preferably a professional from the ACCEDO Group) and at least three other people from the communication, education or publicity areas.

The autonomous regional juries will also include a representative of the Board of Education of the corresponding autonomous region, who must be as senior as possible.

The nationwide jury will also include person connected with the world of special education and other relevant personalities related to the theme of the Contest.

The juries will announce their decisions on the following dates: the provincial juries will meet before 12 March 2021, the regional juries before 16 April 2021, and the national jury will meet before 7 May 2021.

Once the winning works have been selected, they will be published on the competition within 48 hours of issuing the juries’ decisions.

All work not submitted in required formats as established in these rules will be excluded from the competition, as will those which are incompatible or which breach copyright.

The jury will choose joint winners in any categories.

All prizes in all category in all stages will be awarded, provided that there are at least two works that meet the competition requirements. In the event of a disqualification of a price of work on grounds of non-compliance with the requirements, the jury will give grounds for this in its decision.

By entering the competition, participants are deemed to have accepted the rules. The Jurors’ decisions shall be binding and final at all times.

One of the members of the jury representing ONCE will act as Chairperson and shall have the casting vote in case of a tie.

ONCE's Territorial Delegations, according to their own needs, will decide whether to form the jury for the provincial phase on the same date and with the same members as the autonomous regional phase.

8. Prizes

Participating teachers and students will be sent a webcam cover made of wheat cane, for safer use of smartphone, tablets, laptops, etc.

The winning students and staff in the provincial phase will receive a set of three smartphone lenses, adjustable to the camera with a clip, to capture great memories.

The winning groups in the regional phase will be rewarded with an activity for the whole class, worth a maximum of 350 euros, VAT/IGIC included, as will the groups that create the works selected as finalists in categories D and E (five and five respectively). These prizes are not redeemable in cash, and ONCE will settle the maximum amount on presentation of an invoice issued in the name of the agency The Modern Kids and Family, engaged by ONCE to manage the contest.

Winning classrooms in the national phase will receive a tablet for each student and teacher to make responsible use of technology. Schools in the national winning groups will receive a diploma certifying the award.

9. Legislation

ONCE may request the original material of any work submitted, and is not obliged to return it. As for the original winning works of the autonomous phase of the C category, when their physical presentation is considered to provide an added value, it will be necessary to send them so that a more thorough evaluation can be carried out by the National Jury.

ONCE reserves the right to process, adapt and correct the works submitted to the contest, in the broadest possible sense.

Participation in the ONCE School competition implies acceptance of the terms established in these rules and in the summary of the competition published on the website.

With respect to intellectual property rights, participation in this competition implies that teachers and students participating in the winning works in the autonomous regional phase (categories A, B and C) and finalists (categories D and E) transfer these rights exclusively to ONCE a period of 50 years, without territorial, material or geographical limitations, and with the possibility to transfer said rights to third parties (all or any of the patrimonial rights subject to assignment), all rights of reproduction, paper and electronic publishing, fixing, compilation, public communication, transformation, distribution, by any means and in any format (including Internet and social networks) and, in general, exploitation of the work produced.

On the Competition website there is a form available to participants to declare that they transfer their intellectual property rights. Teachers who submit winners in the autonomous regional stage (categories A, B, and C) and finalists (categories D and E), must complete and return this statement, duly signed by them. ONCE will request you submit the necessary documentation at the appropriate time.

The personal data that it is necessary to gather to take part in the competition will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation). The data shall only be gathered with the consent of the data subject for inclusion in files owned by ONCE and it will be processed exclusively for the purposes specified in the legend attached to the data form published on the Competition Website. The data obtained through the corresponding forms is essential to be able to take part in the Competition.
