Os informamos que en los momentos actuales y asumiendo las medidas excepcionales que han impuesto las autoridades, nos vemos obligados a modificar los puntos 7, 8 y 9 de las bases legales publicadas para la convocatoria de la 36 edición del Concurso Escolar, en adecuación a las circunstancias presentes y en interés de todos los participantes, jurados y ganadores de la 36 edición del concurso escolar.
These legal rules have been produced on the basis of the Ministerial Circular No. 38/2019, of 5 September of the Under-Secretary-General for Coordination and Human Resources and General. General registration number: 2019/0275682
The competition is intended for primary schoolchildren (courses 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th), compulsory secondary education, baccalaureate, vocational training (basic, intermediate and higher) and special education attending all state-run schools. Participation is reserved exclusively for schools and colleges authorised by the Ministry of Education and vocational training as such.
As of 16 September, head teachers and teachers of state schools may participate in the school competition and will have access to materials, through the website (www.concursoescolaronce.es). You may also register to participate by telephone (900 808 111).
To do this, the information about the school and participating teacher must be provided either through the website or by telephone.
The teaching staff that coordinate the groups of participating students will be responsible for entering all the information requested in the registration form correctly, and for uploading the classwork.
The deadline for receipt of entries is 31 January 2020. The organisers of the School Competition reserve the right to extend the participation period as they see fit.
In any case, in the interests of increasing participation, and according to their own criteria, each provincial jury may accept entries until two days before judgement day.
To facilitate the work of the national jury, the winning entries in the autonomous regional phase who have participated in co-official languages, Basque, Catalan and Galician or in English, will have to be translated into Spanish.
Participation will be for by full classrooms (a piece of work per class) overseen by a teacher. Each participating class must submit a single work. If the same work is presented by several classes, only the first of these uploaded to the website will be accepted. Works done by several classes will not be accepted.
Participation categories:
A (3rd and 4th years of primary education)
B (5th and 6th years of primary education)
C (secondary education and basic vocational training)
D (baccalaureate and middle and higher level vocational training)
E (special education)
The projects in the last two categories will only participate in the final phase of the contest and will be evaluated by a national jury.
Participation in the competition entails producing classroom work in the correct category for the school year of the pupils. As an exception, work done by students in different categories in rural schools which are grouped together and work done by travelling circus classes, special support classes, may be accepted.
In these cases, the class will participate in the category where there are most students.
In the event of a tie, the class will participate in the higher category.
The maximum number of participants per work is the maximum number of pupils in the class according to the law applicable to each level.
The piece of work to enter in the competition with the slogan " Once upon a time…everyone’s view", will consist of:
(a) Primary, Secondary and Special Education students (categories A, B, C and E) will make a flag representing the movement for inclusiveness. The students’ work will be uploaded through the private teacher’s area in jpg format and will weigh no more than 2MB. The flag will have a title and to make it more accessible, it will be accompanied by an audio-description with a maximum duration of one minute. Participants may record the audio-description in the Private Area where they upload their work or attach a file in .MP3, .MP4, .wav, .aac or .3GP format.
To make the flag, you must download a template from the website and must keep the proportions of the format: rectangular and horizontal. Students can take clippings from magazines and newspapers, use pictures from the Internet, take their own photos or use a combination of the above. If you use content or images owned by third parties, teachers must ensure that they are free of rights or that they have the corresponding intellectual property rights to the extent that they may be required for the competition. ONCE reserves the right ask participating teachers for supporting documents.
Además los alumnos podrán contar con todas las técnicas a las que puedan acceder, desde las más tradicionales, como la ilustración o el collage (con el uso de pegamento y tijeras), a cualquier programa de ordenador que les permita tratar imágenes (Photoshop, editores on line, etc.).
If the classroom group opts to create a traditional illustration or a collage, the teacher will have to scan or photograph and then upload it to the competition website, as explained above.
b) Vocational and High School Students (Category D) should submit an anthem that represents the social movement for inclusiveness with a maximum duration of 2.30 minutes. This will be submitted by uploading it to the teachers’ Private Area in MP3 format, .MP4, .wav, .aac or .3GP with a maximum weight of 100MB. The competition website contains with different backing tracks to choose from or to join together and compose lyrics. If participants choose to compose their own music, this must be original must not infringe intellectual property rights.
The anthem must be accompanied by a title, which shall not exceed 140 characters, and a text with the lyrics to make it more accessible for the evaluation of the jury.
Teachers taking part in the competition must ensure that they have the necessary documents supporting rights over student’ images/voices that may appear on the flag, or in the anthem or the audio-description, as broad as required under the terms of this competition, duly signed by the students or their legal representatives if they are minors.
Go to competition website, for a form to be signed by participants or their representatives assigning image/voice rights. The teachers submitting the winning projects in the autonomous regional stage (categories A, B, and C) and finalists (categories D and E) must send this document to ONCE, duly signed by students whose image/voice appears in the work or by their legal representatives (if they are minors). ONCE will request you submit the necessary documentation at the appropriate time. ONCE accepts no liability for claims in connection with image and voice rights of participants with regard to anthems, flags or audio-descriptions.
All categories will participate online.
With regard to the category E (special education), given the characteristics of this category and the works that tend to be submitted (textures, volumes, relief, etc.) there is an option, to enable a more accurate assessment by the National Jury, to submit original works to Dirección de Comunicación e Imagen de ONCE, c/La Coruña, 18 28020 Madrid) by clearly specifying on the envelope "School Competition”.
I. CREATIVITY: The jury will consider the originality of the work for championing this great international movement for inclusiveness.
II. QUALITY: At the same time, consideration shall be given to the care taken, the presentation of the works and techniques used.
IV. MESSAGE: The jury will assess the flag/anthem ability to transmit the international principles of inclusiveness. ACCESSIBILITY: accessibility is an essential factor for social inclusiveness and as an example of solidarity in the educational field, therefore the effort made to ensure that the works presented are accessible to people with disabilities will be specifically evaluated.
The competition consists of three phases:
Category D works will be prejudged by a Technical Panel made up of teaching professionals and inclusion specialists. The panel will select a maximum of 20 works to go into the nationwide phase, whose jury will pick five finalists from the list, among which the nationwide winner will be chosen.
Works entered in category E (Special Education) will be assessed by a technical team from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. They will select five finalists, from among which they will choose the national winner.
Provincial juries will be formed in ONCE Territorial Offices, Area Offices, Support Offices and agencies based in provincial capitals, as well as an autonomous regional jury in Territorial Offices.
The jury will consist of at least six members: three representatives of ONCE (one from the representation area, one from management and one from the specific Educational Care team for which area) and three other members selected from the fields of communication, education, music, graphic design or public administration.
Autonomous regional juries will also include a member of the CERMI.
Debido a las actuales circunstancias, la composición, número, fecha de celebración y formato de votación del jurado en la fase autonómica podrá adaptarse a las mismas, aunque lo idóneo sería mantener la estructura propuesta inicialmente en el Oficio-Circular. Si no fuera posible esta composición del jurado se considerará como jurado válido el formado por tres miembros representantes de ONCE (uno del área de representación, uno del área de la gestión y un profesional especializado de los equipos específicos de atención educativa de ese ámbito territorial).
El procedimiento de estos fallos será el siguiente:
El coordinador del Concurso Escolar de cada Centro dará de alta en la plataforma a todos los miembros del jurado para que puedan proceder a valorar los trabajos que concursan en la fase autonómica. Si el coordinador del Centro no pudiera realizar las altas, se comunicará lo antes posible al departamento de RRPP, dependiente de la Dirección de Comunicación e Imagen del Grupo Social ONCE los correos de referencia, adjuntando el listado de jurados y sus correos electrónicos para que se realice el alta de forma centralizada.
Una vez que los jurados hayan valorado los trabajos se generará automáticamente un ranking atendiendo a la puntuación.
En la fecha prevista para el fallo, si es posible se establecerá una reunión virtual para deliberar sobre el ranking de las tres categorías.
Uno de los miembros del jurado, representante de ONCE, actuará como presidente del jurado y ostentará el voto de calidad para dirimir, en su caso, el empate en la votación.
Si no fuera posible la celebración de una reunión virtual el presidente del jurado proclamará ganadores a los trabajos atendiendo al ranking de votación, marcando los trabajos con mayor puntuación de las categorías A B y C como ganadores.
En el acta se reflejará que la reunión del jurado se ha realizado de manera no presencial.
No se podrá adjudicar a dos o más trabajos en el mismo puesto de calificación.
En esta fase, además de la elección de los ganadores de las tres categorías A, B y C, los jurados debían elegir de entre estos tres ganadores una bandera que representará el movimiento por la inclusión a nivel autonómico. Dado que el estado de alarma declarado ha traído consigo la paralización de las actividades académicas, se ha acordado dejar sin efecto esta acción, por resultar imposible su ejecución.
La composición del jurado de ámbito estatal se regirá por los mismos criterios que los autonómicos.
En esta fase, además de la elección de los ganadores de las categorías A, B, C, D y E el jurado elegirá de entre los ganadores de las categorías A, B, C Y E una bandera que representará al movimiento por la inclusión. Igualmente de entre los 5 finalistas de la categoría D se elegirá el Himno del movimiento por la Inclusión.
Los fallos de los jurados provinciales tendrán lugar antes del 13 de marzo de 2020. Los jurados autonómicos fallarán preferentemente antes del 8 de abril y el jurado estatal se reunirá antes de finales del mes de junio de 2020.
Once the winning works have been selected, they will be published on the competition within 48 hours of issuing the juries’ decisions.
All work not submitted in required formats as established in these rules will be excluded from the competition, as will those which are incompatible or which breach copyright.
The jury will choose joint winners in any categories.
All prizes in all category in all stages will be awarded, provided that there are at least two works that meet the competition requirements. In the event of a disqualification of a price of work on grounds of non-compliance with the requirements, the jury will give grounds for this in its decision.
By entering the competition, participants are deemed to have accepted the rules. The Jurors’ decisions shall be binding and final at all times.
One of the members of the jury representing ONCE will act as Chairperson and shall have the casting vote in case of a tie.
ONCE's Territorial Delegations, according to their own needs, will decide whether to form the jury for the provincial phase on the same date and with the same members as the autonomous regional phase.
I. Both students and teachers will receive bracelets to promote the inclusiveness movement.
II. Winning students and teachers in the provincial stage will receive a belt bag.
III. Winning groups in the autonomous regional stage will be rewarded with an activity for the entire class, valued at a maximum of 400 euros, VAT/VAT included, as will the groups of works selected as finalists in categories D and E (five and five respectively). These awards may not be exchanged for cash. ONCE will reimburse the maximum amount on receipt of an invoice issued to the agency The Modern Kids and Family, which has been engaged by ONCE to manage this competition.
Se admitirá también como alternativa puntual, dadas las circunstancias, el canje del premio por la compra de material para el aula ganadora.
Ambas posibilidades se materializarán en el curso del presente año 2020.
IV. Los grupos-aula ganadores en la fase de ámbito estatal verán modificado el premio quedando sin efecto la celebración del campus "La mirada de tod@s" y sustituyéndose por el envío de una Tablet para cada alumno y profesor ganador de esta fase.
V. The winning groups’ schools at nationwide level will receive a diploma to prove that they won the prize.
ONCE may request that candidates submit the original of any work submitted and is under no obligation to return these. Regarding the original works in the autonomous regional phase (categories A, B and C) and works in category E, whenever it is considered that their physical presentation may be valuable they must be submitted to enable the National Jury to perform a more thorough evaluation.
ONCE reserves the right to process, adapt and correct, in the broadest sense, images, statements or titles of the winning works.
Participation in the ONCE School competition implies acceptance of the terms established in these rules and in the summary of the competition published on the website. www.concursoescolaronce.es.
With respect to intellectual property rights, participation in this competition implies that teachers and students participating in the winning works in the autonomous regional phase (categories A, B and C) and finalists (categories D and E) transfer these rights exclusively to ONCE a period of 50 years, without territorial, material or geographical limitations, and with the possibility to transfer said rights to third parties (all or any of the patrimonial rights subject to assignment), all rights of reproduction, paper and electronic publishing, fixing, compilation, public communication, transformation, distribution, by any means and in any format (including Internet and social networks) and, in general, exploitation of the work produced.
En la página web del Concurso se pondrá a disposición de los participantes una declaración de cesión de derechos de propiedad intelectual. Los profesores ganadores de la fase Nacional, que además hayan sido seleccionados como bandera e himno del movimiento por la inclusión (dos aulas), deberán enviar a la ONCE dicha declaración debidamente firmada. La ONCE les solicitará este documento en la correspondiente comunicación.
The personal data that it is necessary to gather to take part in the competition will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation). The data shall only be gathered with the consent of the data subject for inclusion in files owned by ONCE and it will be processed exclusively for the purposes specified in the legend attached to the data form published on the Competition Website. The data obtained through the corresponding forms is essential to be able to take part in the Competition.